mardi 14 septembre 2021

Interview with Lucy Farago



An award winning, hybrid author, Lucy Farago lives in Canada with her husband, and, on occasion, her three kids. When she isn’t writing, she’s walking Loki, her full of personalty Siberian husky.

Credit : Author Bio – Lucy Farago


What are the pros and cons of being a hybrid author?

On one side, you have complete control over your work, but on the other side, you have to do all the work. It is a double edge sword. While there is something to be said about having a professional editor, someone you trust, guide your novel, it is equally liberating to be the only one who decides what does and doesn’t make it onto the final pages.

Everyone talks about keeping the profits of your work all to yourself, which is great, but having a big publishing house behind you has its advantages too. This is why it’s best to be a hybrid author. You get the best of both worlds.

What advices will you give to a new author?

Read, read, and read.

You should know what and who is selling, but more importantly, reading is an incredible tool. You can study from those who’ve been through the process. Very few of us hit the ground running. There is a learning curve. Is there a better way to learn how to write than reading? Take a novel you truly enjoyed and ask yourself why you loved the book. What made you keep turning the page? Or even better, what made you put the book down?

Also, I learned the most from my critique circles. You get to see what works and what doesn’t, gaining insight about your own manuscript. You begin to ask yourself, ‘am I making those same mistakes’.

Do you read another genre than romance?

Oh, yes. I’ll read pretty much anything except horror…and Steven King. I’m really don’t want to be scared when I read. I want to book a down with a smile on my face.

What are your inspirations?

Hmmm…it depends what genre I’m writing in. I get all kinds of ideas from Country music and, believe it or not, animal documentaries. I am huge fan of David Attenborough. I love wildlife, and while I am most definitely a city-girl, I am inspired by nature. I love the beach, the mountains, gorgeous sunny days. I find nature sexy.

What are the differences when you are writing for another author’s world?

The idea is to promote the author and their world, while at the same time draw people to your own work. Every author has their set of rules or guideline you need to follow. I’m lucky, as I was there when Eve Langlais released FUC Academy. So from the very start, I knew what she expected from us. You need a keen understanding of the world you are about to embark into, especially given you are not the only author involved in the series. There has to be some cohesion among all the books. Thankfully Jess, Eve’s assistance is there to keep everyone from straying too far outside the world.

I also got to benefit from Eve’s success. That is very cool.

What are your next projects?

I’m working on another FUC Academy book, to be released next year. And I’m working on a proposal for Hallmark with two other authors. We’ve outlined the book and written a few chapters already. It’s been fun. We each bring something different to the table and hopefully in the end it all comes together.

My reviews

Sin on the Strip : Une lectrice compulsive: Sin on the strip – Women of Vegas by Lucy Farago

Sin on the run : Une lectrice compulsive: Sin on the run by Lucy Farago

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