mercredi 22 septembre 2021

Interview with Rosanna Leo



Rosanna Leo writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Her novel, A Reluctant Attraction, Handymen 3, is one of Oprah Daily’s 50 of 2021’s Most Anticipated Romance Novels. Her novel A Good Man, Handymen 1 was the First Place Winner of the 2018 Northern Hearts Contest (Contemporary Romance.)

From Toronto, Canada, Rosanna occupies a house in the suburbs with her husband and their two sons, and spends most of her time being tolerated by their cat Sweetie. When not writing, Rosanna works for her local library, where she is busy laying the groundwork to become a library ghost one day.

Credit: Media Kit/Contact Information | Rosanna Leo (


Do you prefer to write a series or a standalone?

I’ve written a bit of both, although I always try to write while keeping potential for a series in mind. It’s so easy to become attached to your characters, so if you’re writing a series, you get the opportunity to live in that world a little longer. J Even when I’m writing books in a series, however, each book is a new couple and a different romance. So, I try very hard to make them enjoyable as standalones, even if they’re connected.

Why did you decide to write romance?

I’ve been interested in writing ever since I was a youngster. As a young adult, I gravitated to books that had a central love story, even if they weren’t traditional romances. So, when I started to write my own stories, it just made sense to write romance. It’s what drives me. It keeps me turning pages. And I love seeing the characters grow and develop within the romance. I’ve tried writing in other genres, but so far, nothing has interested me as much as romance.

What are your main inspirations when you are writing?

I don’t really have one particular type of inspiration. Ideas come to me from just about anywhere. I’ve taken inspiration from mythology, from folklore, and also from real people. It’s safe to say, though, that I put a bit of my own experiences in most of my stories. Some of the conflicts in my books have originated from conflicts in my own life, and I’ve always shared that with my readers. However, I always try to add my own twist to those situations. As far as the sexy bits, that’s all from imagination. ;)

What advice would you give to a new author?

It’s hard to offer advice in general because there are so many aspects to the writing and publishing business. What helped me most in the beginning was figuring out what I wanted from my writing. Are you writing just for fun, or are you hoping to be published? Are you looking for a publisher or do you plan to self-publish? I think it’s helpful for anyone starting out to ask themselves those questions, because they will help to clarify the next steps.  

Which one of your books will you recommend to a new reader?

I would recommend any of the first books in my series, so readers can become acquainted with those worlds and characters. In my Handymen series, the first book is A Good Man. In my Vegas Sins series, the first book is Vice. I also have a freebie novella called “Al Dente,” that you can find at my publisher’s site:

What are your next projects?

I’m working on a few things, actually. First and foremost, I am writing a paranormal romance series, featuring three ghost-hunting sisters. It will be set in and around the Toronto area, so I’m excited to feature my home province…and some scarier plotlines. Still lots of romance in those books, though! I’ve also written a couple of novellas, and I hope to be able to share some more info on those soon. Stay tuned!

1 commentaire:

  1. Bonjour Any! Merci boucoup per cette interview! I am honoured to be here on your blog. Thank you!


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