jeudi 21 septembre 2023

Interview with Anjelica Grace


Credit : Anjelica Grace: books, biography, latest update

Interview with Anjelica Grace


Anjelica Grace is a Denver native living in the same suburb north of the Mile High City that she grew up in. She’s an avid reader, and blogger, turned Contemporary Romance author that has an affinity for crazy socks, Minions, and candy. But not chocolate. She’s also a diehard Colorado Avalanche hockey fan who never misses a game.

Family and friends are the most important things in Anjelica’s life, but when she’s not with them, you can find her with a book in hand, writing, or working as a BCBA with children and young adults on the Autism Spectrum. Or… you can find her attending an Avs game.

Still a small fish in the Romance Sea, Anjelica started her journey off in late 2018 by publishing a short story as a part of a Christmas anthology with a group of amazing authors who helped and encouraged her along the way. Once she dipped her toe into the writing waters, that was it, she knew she couldn’t stop or look back again.

Credit : About | AuthorAnjelicaGrace


What do you like the most about writing?

I like that I get to step out of the real world–the stresses, sadness, frustration, and business–and into my characters' worlds. I gwt to hear them in my head, tell the story to readers that my characters convey to me. I like that the imagination I had with dolls and Barbies as a child has translated to a more adult version of that same imagination.

Why did you decided to write romance?

I decided to write romance because I absolutely love reading it, first and foremost. I also have always had that romantic at heart mindset. As I mentioned, I had a vivid imagination with my dolls and Barbies when I was a child, and they were always in relationships, building families, and finding and expressing love. Writing it just came naturally to me.

What struggles did you met when you wrote your first novel?

Oh man. The biggest struggle was self-doubt. (Which I still have, by the way.) I didn't believe I could write a book, much less one other people would read or even want to read. I wasn't sure the right way, or even the wrong, to write. It was all just so new, and I was honestly winging it one too many commas at a time.

What is inspiring you the most when you are writing?

A lot of things inspire me when I write; the couple walking through the store together, the single dad out at the park or in the mall with his young child, television have all inspired me through many stories. With my Cowboys and Angels books, watching rodeo inspired me. Along with those things, I listen to music when I write, and I tailor playlists to the theme or feel of the story I'm writing or the scene I'm writing.

What advices will you give to a new author?

It is such a cliché to say this, but just write. It is really, really easy to get yourself stuck in a cycle of write, fix, re-write, repeat without ever making progress. So just write. Write until 'the end'.

Which one of your books will you recommend to a new reader?

This is always such a hard question for me to answer. It's like asking me to pick a favorite child, ya know, if I had kids. I love all my books, and the characters that share my brain, so picking just one to share is really challenging. That said, I would likely recommend Hold on Tight (Cowboys and Angels, 1) because it's a first in series, but also the first book I ever wrote. The trope is unique,as well, as they're a married couple fighting to save their marriage.

What is a difference between writing a short story and writing a novel?

This is going to sound counter-intuitive, but writing novels is easier. I am a wordy person, and when I have to condense a story to 10,000 words or less, well, I struggle. I tend to write 75,000 plus words in my full-length novels.

What are your future projects?

I am working on book three in my Cowboys and Angels series now! After that, I plan on diving into my hockey series! Next year I plan on writing a military romance, as well.

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