mercredi 15 février 2023

Interview with DD Prince


Credit : D.D. Prince (Author of The Dominator) (


DD is a Canadian indie author who writes dark, dangerous, and deliciously addictive romances with alpha males, usually antiheroes.

She’s a Canadian and married (to The Mister) mom of two boys (The Boy and The Wee Boy).

Check out DD Prince on Amazon for more information.

Credit: About DD – DD Prince, romance author


What do you like the most about being an indie author?

I love getting lost in the story I'm writing. Parts of the process are difficult, like wading through mud, but when it's going well and I'm lost in the story (a place I call The Zone) it's as fun as it is reading a book you're enjoying.  Sometimes during that phase of the writing process, I find myself excited to get back to it, thinking about the story when I'm not at my computer.

What advices will you give to a new author?

Everyone's journey is different. I say write the book you want to read. And keep reading works by other authors you admire. It's also been great for me to have a few author friends I can talk to about industry challenges.

Which one of your books will you recommend to a new reader?

I write in many romances sub-genres. On is my reading order per-genre so if someone is interested in my work, there's a list there of my work divided by the sub-genre, including dark romance, MC romance, paranormal, and so on.

What struggles did you met when you wrote your first novel?

For years I wanted to finish a book but finishing one was the hard part. I really struggled to get to the ending. That's still a tricky part many books later as you want to come to a logical end of the story that does the story justice and leaves the reader happy. But... it's never easy to say goodbye to my characters.

What do you like the most about bikers’ story?

I love writing in the biker world because I can explore a lot of different tropes within this world. I feel like I can write in it forever. I can have comedy, darkness, deep feelings, and also... STEAM.

What makes a character a great alpha?

For me, it's about his protectiveness and the lengths he'll go to for his woman. I like writing alphas who will go to extremes to get the girl, to protect the girl, and to keep the girl.

What are your next projects?

I'm currently writing my fifth biker book, Jaded.  This is part of the Beautiful Biker series, which I'm expecting to be about ten books.

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