mardi 21 juin 2022

A change of view by Freya Barker


Published on August 16th, 2017

432 pages

Back Cover

What if one morning you look in the mirror and no longer recognize the person looking back?

When Leelo can no longer identify herself by the roles that once defined her, it's both terrifying and liberating. Oh, she feels the loss, the grief, and then the anger, but when she inherits property up north, she jumps at the promise of freedom and independence.

Yet not everyone in her new community is what they seem, starting with the surly mountain man down the road.

As owner of the local fishing lodge, Roar is content with his everyday life. And the older he gets, the less he appreciates change. So when a blue-haired, tattooed ‘city girl’ moves into the old motel, shaking up his daily routine, he’s none too pleased.

Still, something about the woman’s easy smile and almost reckless grit has him step up as her keeper.

My review

This is the second book of her Northen Lights series and I have the feeling it’s only getting better. It was also translated in French, but I got the english version before and I still have another book in my pile.

I like the protagonist Leelo, I do not see much 46 years old women with blue hairs and tattoos in books, so I thought it was original and refreshing. Most of the time, the author wrote about older protagonist and since I am almost at that age, I think it’s easier to connect with the story. I also like the nickname; I wish we could see a picture of her on the first cover.

For some reason, Roar remind me of Luke in Gilmore Girls. He does not like people much, but always there to help if someone is in need. It took a while before he opens up to Leelo and I was surprise how nice he was with the protagonist ‘kids. It was nice to see his evolution and even though he does not speak a lot, he is a sweetheart.

It was hard to choose just one character to give a start and my choice is Mathie, Leelo’s son. He is courageous and when he chooses something he will do anything to make it come thought event though some members of his family are not okay with it.  I also liked Gwen at the end, but she was a pain in the ass in the middle of the novel.

The author knows how to write entertaining story and as you can imagine Leelo will get lots of trouble while she is working on her new bed and breakfast. I did not feel it was a long book and I read it in three days. If you like slow-burning romance, I recommend it to you.


 Opens eyes, open mind, and open heart, I promised myself. Giving myself pep talks is a skill I’m still developing, after a lifetime of very successful toxic inner dialogue. (p.12)

Yet I was far from civil with my neighbour, who not only rescued me from a roof in the middle of a thunderstorm, but was back here yesterday fixing said roof. Guilt dulls the enjoyment of the black nectar that is just now hitting my bloodstream. (p.49)

" Love breathing this clean air. It’s quiet. The pace is different. It feels peaceful up here. I feel peaceful up here. " (p.105)

" It took a lot for me, moving here, making new start at this point in my life, but I did it anyway. I lost so much already in my quest to find myself. My family, my friends – those who stuck with me after my divorce – they all thought I was crazy coming here. " (p.179)

I already took a giant one, moving here in the first place. I find myself, once again, on the edge of a cliff with nothing but beauty in front of me, but afraid to let go of the crumbling stability under my feet.  (p.336)

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