dimanche 4 août 2019

Romancing the capital 2019

I just came back from RTC 2019 and it have been my third time attending. Unfortunately, there won't be another one in 2020, but you cam visit the website to get the news about the event.

I had a great time and I would like to thank Eve Langlais to organized this amazing convention.

I met lots of new authors and got many books. I invited to check my list if you are looking for suggestion. It's going to take some time, but I will write review about them.

 with Milly Taiden

These are the first books I get from this author. I heard great comments and I wanted to read at least one book from her.

 I got the third and last book of the Northern Lights series and I also want to start her On calls series. I felt in love with her writing and I am sure I won't be disappointed.

New York is one of my favorite city and I can't wait to read this book. 

I got book 4 and 5 from her The broken men chronicles series. I enjoyed Book 1 and now I will be able to read her entire series.

I got three books from her Club Zodiac series. I never read book from this author yet, but the cover intrigued me. 

I won 4 of her books during the convention. I enjoyed the panel about small town romance. I can't wait to discover this new author.

I got the book 3 of her  You've got to be shifting me. I have read a few books from this author and I always enjoyed them.

I got the last book of her Hell's Son series, I already have the first two books from the previous RTC. I am also glad that I got Awake in Shadows, I just finished Dreams of Darkness. I won't have to wait too long to get the answers at my questions. 

Another book that I have been lucky to win at one of the panel. The author talked about it and I did not hesitated to choose this one. I can't wait to read it.

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