samedi 21 octobre 2023

Wolf Ice by Melissa Yi


Published on May 15th, 2015

I read the paperback version

284 pages


Wolf ice killed Leila’s best friend. Now it’s stealing Leila’s self-control. Someone invented wolf ice, a new drug that arouses werewolves like Leila and drives her straight into the arms (and on to other anatomical parts) of her sizzling, paramedic ex-boyfriend. Can Leila fight the killer and save her species?

My review

This book was in my TBR pile since a year and I thought October would be a great time to read a story about werewolves. To be honest, I did not have the feeling there were werewolves except the times where Leila and Jack were attracted to each other. You do not have to like fantasy to enjoy the novel because they were trying to know who was the killer the entire book. If you like suspense with a little bit of romance (and erotica), I recommend it to you.

The author has a gift to keep the reader interested until the end. The book contends many chapters, but they are short, so you can put it down for a while without forgetting about what was happening, but do not wait too long because a lot of things happens in only a few lines.

There are two voices in the book: Leila and The Accidental Murderer. You will only meet the second around the end, but he had a little spice in the story. I liked the intrigued because Elena dies very fast and there is not much clues.

If you do not know this author, it’s a great novel to starts with, I wasn’t disappointed. Some scenes are happening in Montreal, which is the city I visit the most and I kinds felt like home when she saw some street mentioned. I could easily imagine myself being with Lelila and Jack trying to find the murder.  


I unclenched my jaw. Don’t take it personally. Don’t take it personally, I chanted to myself. Elena used to coach me on that, actually. She said it was from " Toltec Wisdom " whatever that means. I think she got it off Oprah. (p.38)

You know how with some friends, you can talk about whatever’s on your mind and not censor yourself? If I brought up the war in Iraq or greenhouse emissions with Elena, you know, as fun party talk, she’d let me run on and the she’d change the subject. Same thing if I complained about my family or current boyfriend. So, I never went deeper with her. She didn’t offer confidences or seem particularly interested in mine, and she obviously didn’t fired up about injustice the way I did, so we didn’t connect. We did okay in a group or over another activity, but I didn’t know her, even after- holy smack, could it really be? – ten years. (p.62)

We’d passed the Bienvenue au Québec sign, so I explained, " Too many cops around. " Quebec may lack decent roads, library or funding for health care and schools, but by gum, we have lot of cops.  (p.119)

Jack covered my mouth with his. I threw my arms around him and kissed him back, relishing his firm lips and even the sour tang of beer and coriander on his tongue because it was him, him and I could not stay away. He was my Achilles heel, my Romeo, my Batman while, I played Catwoman. (p.171)

My interview with the author 

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