dimanche 4 septembre 2022

A heart’s war – The broken men chronicles book 5 by Carey Decevito


Published on June 27th, 2016

232 pages

Back cover

It’s been ten years since he set foot on home soil. Three, since his family and friends were left grieving for a death that never came.Fighting for one’s country, bearing witness to the atrocities of war has left former Sergeant Theo Lowell as a shell of a broken man. Now that he’s back, it’s time to make a life for himself. If only he agreed with everyone’s assessment that he was deserving of it.

After all, no one but him knew of the sins he’d committed.Instead of rebuilding himself into a man ready for a family, friendship and happiness, he sets forth to do some rebuilding of another kind. After all, if one deems himself helpless, why not be helpful?When he knocks on Morgan Smyth’s door, the last thing he expects is that rebuilding what is currently before him would prove to be such a daunting task.Two hearts—emotional baggage—multiple wars are waged as a home takes shape.Funny how redemption can be found at the tip of a screwdriver, the head of a hammer, or better yet, when hit by a two-by-four!

My review

It took me time to finish this series, but I enjoyed the last book. I have to say that this one is my favorite and the previous one was the last on my list. If you want to read the five books and there is one you like less that the other, it’s worth to be patient and read them all. I also recommend to read them in order because some characters are coming back. I was so happy to see Jasper again. It was my favorite in book 1 and it’s still a bungle of joy.

I prefer this book because of Theo who fought for his country and came back after 10 years. I found his story touching. It’s  the second time I read a romance with that type of character and it’s break my heart everytime. I found him cold with Morgan at first, but he was feeling guilty about what happened while he was away and I learned to appreciate him.

Morgan is another character that I liked. I do not know many women who will want to work on their house by themselves and just for that reason she inspired and surprised me. Just like most of the women of this series, she is a strong character that will keep the reader attention until the last chapter.

Until you reach the other, I thought it was a romance novel like many others I read, but the author surprised me with the intrigue. It took my breath away and I was almost scared for the main character. Just for that reason, it worth to be patient.

If you are looking for a great romance with different type of mal characters that will make you smile and cry at the same time, I recommend it to you.


" I prefer to work with my hands, P. Always have. " And I wasn’t sure if I could deal with the corporate aspect of things that came with working for a firm. I liked the idea of being my own boss. It offered me the sense of control I found I always needed since my capture. I couldn’t be anyone’s puppet right now. Maybe not ever. (p.23)

" But, I’ve never had someone go to war for me, to fight for me. " Morgan’s breath whooshed out. " That’s what makes you different from everyone else. I know my family and friends love me. Hell, I love them too. But you, you top them by miles, Morgan. You win my heart, my soul,…me. (p.140)

My review of Book 1 

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