lundi 9 septembre 2024

Interview with Douglas J. McLeod



Douglas J. McLeod, along with his two other writing personas: C. D. Melley, and Crimson Nuage, is an independent author originally hailing from Toronto, Canada. He moved to Florida in 2016 to spend quality time with his wife, and their pet Pomeranian and Yorkie. He is an avid sports fan, and alleges to be an aficionado of Tim Hortons, but has been known to frequent Starbucks on occasion.

Credit : Douglas J. McLeod (Author of Scarlet Siege) (


What do you like the most about writing?

I like that it gives me an outlet to get in touch with my creative side. I’ve always had an interest in creative writing, and writing gives me the opportunity to get my thoughts down on paper, or a Word document, and create different “universes” in the process.

What struggles did you met when you wrote your first book?

When I wrote the first draft of Scarlet Siege, it was during National Novel Writing Month in 2011. The notion of writing a 50,000-word first draft within a month appears daunting to most, but I was able to put my nose to the proverbial grind stone, and was able to accomplish the task. I have since moved on from NaNoWriMo, but I will never forget how it helped launch my “career” as an author.

Which one of your books will you recommend to a new reader?

That is a tough call since I write three different genres: paranormal crime fiction, romance, and poetry. I guess it depends on which genre tickles your fancy. If you are interested in the crime fiction, my first book, Scarlet Siege, is where to start. If romance is more your speed, then I would suggest the first book of The Prairie Fire Trilogy, The Prairie Fire Within. And if poetry is what you are into, then the largest collection I have penned, Stanzas from the Sunshine is what I would recommend.

What advices will you give to a new author?

Do not get discouraged if real life gets in the way, and it will. There will be pressures and distractions you will experience in your writing journey. The trick is to keep the drive alive by setting time out of your day – or week, depending on your schedule – to commit to writing. The words will be tough to come by at times, but as long as you stay motivated, the books will come.

Do you write with music? If yes, do you have a special song to motivate you?

I find writing to music helps make the words flow more freely. Some authors will curate special playlists for the books they write, and I do that, too, depending on the book. But for the most part, I enjoy some arena jams to help get me pumped up to write.

What are your next projects?

This is something I have been struggling with lately due to a busy real-life schedule. (A day job, and attending a night class at the local university where I am studying for my Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing.) But I recently had an idea for a sports romance (swimming) where the female love interest is a Swimmer With A Disability (leg amputee).

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