dimanche 28 juin 2020

Give up the ghost by Jenn Burke

Published by Carina Press
329 pages

Back Cover 

The bigger they are, the harder they maul.

Immortal not-ghost Wes Cooper and his vampire partner, Hudson Rojas, have it all—rewarding private investigation work, great friends and, most important, a love that’s endured. But ever since Wes sent a demon screaming back to the beyond, his abilities have grown overpowering and overwhelming. He’s hiding the fact that he’s losing control the best he can, but it’s hard to keep anything a secret for long when your partner’s a former cop…and especially when your partner’s a former cop who wants to move in together.

When all hell literally breaks loose in Toronto and superstrength ghosts are unleashed on Wes and his friends, he and Hudson are thrown into a case unlike any they’ve seen before. To save the city, Wes needs to harness his new power…and find some answers. But when he gets them, the solution to fix it all could mean losing everything.

My Review
I liked the first book and before getting further in my TBR pile, I wanted to read this one. For now, the author wrote three books in this series, but I only have the first two. I always think that the second book of a series is the weakest and Not Death Yet still my favorite. Wes is getting stronger and bring more action in the story. It was a most for me that magic is taking more place this time, but there is still missing something to make the characters more likable especially the antagonist.  I had troubles to care about Wes’trouble since he was lying to the love of his life.  

We don’t see much romance between Wes and Hudson this time. I accepted it because I thought the paranormal side was more interesting. The world building is awesome, I felt like I was in Toronto with them. I knew that Michael would be back. I thought he was going to be the main antagonist and unfortunately, I was wrong. 

I did not get into the story like I was in book 1, but I read it in two days hoping that Wes will tell the truth to Hudson.  

If you like paranormal stories, I recommend you this series, but it’s better to start with Book 1 to understand the characters.

vendredi 26 juin 2020

Not dead yet by Jenn Burke

Published by Carina Press

359 pages

Back Cover

Dying isn’t what it used to be.

Wes Cooper was dead. Then he wasn’t—though he’s not exactly alive, either. As an immortal not-ghost, he can transition between this world and the other plane, which makes him the perfect thief for hire. For seventy years he’s made a “living” returning items to their rightful owners, seeing his fair share of the bizarre in the process. But he’s never witnessed murder. Until now.

His latest mission brings him more than he bargained for: a very-dead actor who is definitely going to stay that way. It’s just Wes’s luck that his ex-boyfriend, Detective Hudson Rojas, is assigned to the case. Hudson broke Wes’s heart years ago—and could again, given he’s rocking a hot silver-fox look that shouldn’t be legal.

As they work together to track down the murderer before anyone else gets hurt, it becomes clear Wes and Hudson have unfinished business. And when a secret Hudson’s been keeping threatens more than just their happiness, it might mean the end of their not-life together—permanently.

My Review

I had this book in my To be Read pile since last year and I apologize to the author for taking so long to read it. I promise I would not wait that long to read the book two. I read mostly romance, but mystery not that much. It was great to try something new and I don’t regret my choice. 

For someone who don’t read in English that often, I read this one really fast. It’s easy to follow Wes’adventures. The author wrote it in a way that you just want to read the next chapter. I have been surprised so many times that I can’t count. The best part was when I discover Hudson’secret. I never saw it coming. We already knew that Wes is a ghost, but I didn’t guess there were other people in the paranormal world. I love the unique twist the author wrote and it made me want to read more often in this genre. 

I like both of main characters, they are addictive with their qualities and flaws. I won’t lie to you; I prefer Wes with his teenage attitude. At the beginning, I thought Hudson was cold and it was hard to relate or get attached to him. I found it a little weird that Wes is a ghost, but he can become solid and needs to sleep and eat like a normal human, but in the same time, it’s different from what I read or saw before. 

The relation between Wes and Hudson is well developed. I still wonder how Wes is still in love with him after 33 years. Fortunately, I found it romantic that he never gave up on him after all this time. It was great to see a relationship between a cop and a thief. I already have a thing for thief, since I watched Aladdin. Wes had nothing in common with him, but I thought it was hot. 

I have an idea about what is coming in book 2, I will let you know if I am right after I read it. I recommend you this book if you like romance or paranormal, you won’t be disappointed.

dimanche 14 juin 2020

Pour ceux qui restent de Katherine Girard

publié par les éditions Monarque
paru le 12 février 2019
195 pages

4e de couverture

Lorsqu'Olivier décède, Sabrina est anéantie et sombre dans le marasme. Après quelque temps, l'enseignante en littérature décide de retourner vivre avec ses trois enfants au Lac-Saint-Jean, près de sa famille et de ses amis d'enfance. 

Elle y rencontre par hasard un homme qui lui est familier : Alexandre, le premier amour de sa vie. Que s'est-il passé entre eux, 20 ans plus tôt ? Pourquoi se sont-ils séparés ? Un processus de réconciliation s'amorce entre eux alors que Sabrina doit gérer des crises d'anxiété. Parviendront-ils à sublimer les épreuves du passé ?

Mon avis 

Avec un peu de retard, j’ai finalement lu une troisième œuvre de cette auteure qui est maintenant devenue une de mes favorites. J’ai noté des ressemblances avec Anxieuse et le retour d’Annabelle, mais l’histoire prend une tournure différente. Je me suis attachée à ses nouveaux personnages.
Dès les premiers chapitres, Sabrina mentionne qu’elle souffre d’anxiété et se rappelle de divers événements qu’elle a vécus soit avec Alexandre pendant son adolescence ou Olivier avant son décès. 

Depuis la mort de ce dernier, elle se cache derrière le travail et ses enfants. Elle aime sa progéniture plus que tout au monde, mais elle ne s’ouvre pas facile quand vient le temps des relations amoureuses. Elle n’a rien vécu de sérieux depuis qu’elle est devenue veuve trois ans auparavant.
Alexandre tient beaucoup à sa famille et même si cela arrive très rarement à 40 ans, il a aussi perdu sa conjointe et doit s’occuper seul de ses enfants ce qui le rend attachant. Avec les descriptions des lieux et des événements, je sentais que je visitais la région du Lac-Saint-Jean.  L’auteure parle de la maladie mentale de façon simple en démontrant les conséquences dans la vie de tous les jours.

Prisonnière de son Pimp de Chloé-Kim Bussière

  Publié chez les éditons JCL le 15 janvier 2025 240 pages Lu en format papier 4 e de couverture   À quinze ans, je suis tombée fol...